Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pride Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pride - Essay Example Pride can be considered as a positive influence on the person who has this sense of being proud and boosts his self-confidence. It can also be found to be based on one's own evaluation of the self and their capabilities and achieving more than what they are capable makes them feel proud of themselves and in turn such people expect other's to gauge him or her by the same standards. Taylor (1985) observes that "the norm is based on one's own ability and performances: he has done better than he expected and so experiences a boost to his self-confidence". Pride makes a man exhibit some of the qualities or behavior that are seen as undesirable by others while it is considered to be positive by the one who possesses it. This kind of a person is understood to be crediting himself for some of his achievements as he might be considering that his new found status is certainly a standard for himself and for others to gain credentials in the society. As each looks at a particular achievement based on their level of understanding, the achievements and the pride associated are also varying in extent, expectations and effect. While some can be considering themselves as pretty different and successful among others, there are those who feel self-righteous even when they are aware that they are not right according to their conscience. They would rather be complacent they are acting in tune with the society's norms and hence need not feel ashamed of their behavior. This comes from the fact that their self-esteem and self-evaluation is higher according to their own capabilities and standards, although it has nothing to do with the standards of the outer environment. In fact, as Neu observes, one finds that "all the goods things of others become displeasing, and the things he has done to himself, even when they are mistakes, alone please himhe favors himself in his thought; and when he thinks he surpasses others in all things, he walks with himself along the broad space of his thought and silently utters his own praises" (2002). Affects / outcome- One outcome of pride can be the alienation of oneself or others as there is a tendency to attribute negativity to pride. However, though it cannot be ruled out that it affects thinking of one and all and a lot of things are at stake, particularly, the relation with others; it can be observed that there are different values and standards attributed to this behavior by the person who practices it. Taylor (1985) notes that the "person with such a trait sees himself as superior to others in terms of expectations he sets for himself, and the achievement of these standards makes him take for granted that others respect him for both the standards and achievement. He further notes that this may not always be to hurt or look down upon someone but to establish his place; and regards lowering of the standards and expectations as a threat to his self-respect". Conclusion It is seen that pride is a trait in some of the people who have set some standards for themselves and achieved accordingly. Although there is more negativity attached to this characteristic, possessing it in the right perspective can be a positive boost to one's self-esteem and many find acceptance among a minority. However, it is always seen as an undesirable trait by the majority and is

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Palestinian Question Essay Example for Free

The Palestinian Question Essay Introduction Moses, one time prince of Egypt turned escaped murderer, was tending his flock when one day he saw a ‘Burning Bush.’ The burning bush boomed with the voice of God and told him to â€Å"Lead my people out of Egypt, and deliver them to the land of Milk and Honey[1]† the land of Cannan. These famous anecdotes from the books of Exodus and Genesis are possibly two of the oldest and most definitive claims Israelites have to their lands. Ever since their independence in 1948 the state of Israel has weathered conflict after conflict against its Arab neighbor who would like nothing better than to see them driven into the sea. For instance, in the Yom Kippur War of 1973 a multi-national host from Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Jordan and many other Arab nations banded together to crush the fledgling state. The failure of these efforts to destroy Israel and the mutual hatred it has inspired has led to a severe refugee problem for the displaced Palestinian Muslims. To this day there are tens of thousands of Palestinians who hold themselves to have been driven from their homes and will not rest until they take it back. But to do so they must contend with an Israel that holds a thousands year-old claim on the realm. History of Palestine   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The land of Israel is located along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. The land has changes names many times but since biblical times it have been a contentious territory. The Pharaoh’s armies passed through from Egypt to make war further west. Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian armies marched over Israel to make it to Egypt and beyond. Alexander’s Macedonians, and Caesar’s Romans also took Israel as just another part of their campaigns of world conquest. The Crusader braved thousands of leagues of hostile lands to make it to the land of Christ’s birth. War and bloodshed has been the fate of the land where three of the world’s major religions were born. The Land of Cannan Abraham, Isaac and Israel When Abram, a nomad from Ur, was asked by God to abandon his father’s lands and go east he began the migration that would eventually end with Abraham and Sarah living with honor among the Cannanites. God promised him that he would be his children would be as numerous as the stars and as plentiful as the sands in the beach. Yet he only had two sons Isaac  and Ishmael. Muslims, claim descent from Ishmael, while the Jews are the heirs of Isaac’s son Jacob who would later be known as Israel. Israel had twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel claimed descent. One of the youngest was sold to Egypt as slave. Joseph would soon be high in the favor of the Egyptian Pharaoh and would welcome his brothers to Egypt following a terrible famine that he had predicted. Since then the Hebrews and the Sons of Israel left Cannan and lived in Egypt. Moses and the book of Exodus After some time the Hebrews prospered in Egypt and soon became a worrying minority for the Pharaoh. He began one of the first pogroms against the Hebrews by oppressing them with more work and less rations. He murdered their children and ordered all male babies killed. However his persecution was to be his own bane, Moses was saved by his mother and eventually found his way to the gates of Pharaoh’s palace where he would be adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses would later kill an Egyptian he saw oppressing a Hebrew slave. The shock of the murder would force him into exile in the Sinai  where he had his fateful encounter with the burning bush. As mentioned earlier it was there that God gave him his mission to free the Hebrews from their oppression and bring them back to Cannan where Israel and his sons abided before they came to Egypt.  After more than 40 years of wandering in the desert the Hebrews finally returned to Cannan under the leadership of Joshua. There they found the Cannanites, the Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites already living in relative peace for centuries. Ironically, when the Zionist Jews returned in the 20th Century they found Cannan in similar circumstances. Except that instead of biblical, possibly mythological tribes occupying it they found the grandfathers of the present day Palestinians. Jesus, the false Messiah and the Diaspora Jesus of Nazareth, the messiah of the Christian faith warned the people of Israel that a false messiah would come and lead them astray. He would show such signs as to make the people believe that he is indeed the messiah. This occurred in around 70AD when the Jews rose up in revolt. It was hopeless cause, we Nero finally found about the revolt he sent ordered several legions to suppress it. By the time of the fall of Jerusalem some 60,000 professional legionaries were in the Palestine suppressing the desperate Zealots. A later revolt in 135AD led to the complete annihilation of the Jewish state in Judea. The reign of Hadrian was especially tragic for the Jews because all Jews were exiled from Jerusalem and the other Palestinian cities. Many Jews were sold as slaves or transported as prisoners to other regions to joint other previously exiled Jews. Although most were accepted in the communities they were sent too, the Jewish people had ceased to exist as a political entity. Henceforth, they were merely small minority groups where ever they lived. Their lot was certainly better than the Christian Gentiles who often found themselves in the coliseum facing hungry lions. The Holy Land   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the rise of Christianity and Islam Palestine gained fresh importance. For the Christians this was the land where Jesus lived and began his ministry while the Muslims believed that the Mohammad ascended into heaven on the very same rock where Abraham tried to sacrifice his son Isaac. It was known as the Holy Land. Much blood would be shed by the Cross and the Crescent in the trials for its possession. The Crusades In1095 it was held by Muslims. Outraged Christian Europe under the leadership of Pope Urban II send a vast army against the Turkish Muslims. As an added incentive Poper Urban II promised that whoever died in the Crusades would receive immediate remission of their sins. The crusader army was successful. However, in their zeal against the Muslims they performed a large number of atrocities that are remembered to this day. For example, when Jerusalem was taken the Crusaders slaughtered the entire population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Crusaders were successful in establishing several small Christian Kingdoms. However, these were tiny islands trapped in a sea of foes. Almost as soon as they were established, the Christian Kingdoms were attacked continuously by Muslim Jihadis leading to the fall of quite a few of them in rapid succession. The movie Kingdom of Heaven was about Saldin’s retaking Jerusalem and the dramatic extremes men of both faiths would go for the sake of possessing the Holy Land.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ultimately Three Major Crusades and several smaller ones were launched for the conquest of the Holy Land. For over a century Christian Europe bled itself white sending the flower of its chivalry to war in a hostile land with little hope of success. Yet just as the cause seemed hopeless thousands of young knights and noblemen gladly came forth in hopes of gaining glory in the name of their God. Saladin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Saladin a Kurdish born Muslim noble  who ruled Egypt and later Syria  was like most Muslim ruler could not accept that infidel Christians were now lording over some of the holiest places of the Muslim faith. At first he was not strong enough to oppose the Crusaders because his hold on Egypt was still fragile and he was often at odds with neighboring Muslim states.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After he had finally consolidated his hold on the Muslim world, Saladin would launch a bloody and often atrocious Jihad against the Christian Kingdoms. Atrocity was met with Atrocity, as the two faiths strove with each other for master of the Holy Land. For example, after the Battle of Hattin Saladin ordered all members of the Military orders such as Teutonic Knights and the Knights Templar beheaded on the spot  the Crusaders were no less cruel against Muslim prisoners. One example of their own cruelty was the practice of blinding Muslim prisoners allowing only every fifth man the use of one eye to lead the rest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ultimately, the bloodshed ended with the terrible battles of the Third Crusade. There Richard Couer De Leon of England, Philip II of France and Conrad of the Holy Roman Empire led the vast armies of the Third crusade against Saladin. After many battles Richard and Saladin agreed to the Treaty of Ramala where Jerusalem would remain in Muslim hands but Christians would be free to go there on pilgrimages. The founding of Israel   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the Saladin, the Holy Land remained in Muslim hands for centuries. Saladin’s realm ended almost immediately after his death. Within a few short decades the Ottoman Turks were the new owners of Palestine. It was not until Lawrence of Arabia led his army of Arabian nomads to victory in World War I that the Ottoman’s were overthrown. However, instead of independence for the Arabs, the British took over Palestine and established their authority over them. Palestine in the early 20th century was a British territory populated by Arab Muslims. However an increasing trickle of Jews were arriving from all over the British Empire and the rest of the world. The Zionists were coming home. Zionist movement   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Named after Mt Zion were Jerusalem was built, Zionism is an international political movement for the creation of a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Also known as diaspora nationalism  It was formally established by Jewish Journalist Theodor Herzl in the late nineteenth century. The movement is highly successful having created the first and only modern jewish state in the world. These ultra-nationalistic Jews are the result of centuries of frustration of not having a home land and the discrimination they suffer all over the world at the hands of Christians, Muslims and others simply because they are a minority that has a different faith. Ironically, despites its origins as a movement to oppose racism and racial discrimination against Jews the U.N. has branded Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination    As mentioned earlier Zionism as a nationalist ideology arose as a response to anti-Semitism which was a form of heavy handed discrimination against Jews. For centuries, especially in the 19th and 20th Centuries the Jews had been victims of racial and religious discrimination. Christians persecuted them as the murders of Christ and forced them to convert. In fact, one of the prayers of the old Latin mass is a missive for the conversion of Jews. Communists also persecuted them for being true to their faith in when a communist state was supposed to be one that was free from religion which was the opiate of the masses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At heart the Zionists justified themselves as being one distinct nationality unified by their faith. Seeing other minorities in Europe struggle for self-determination emboldened them to seek for a home land of their own. After all, if the European minorities were entitled to a free country of their own why not the Jews?.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first congress of Basel in 1897  was the meeting where the major agitators behind Zionism met for the first time and formally established the World Zionist Organization. At that congress the Basel Program was completed and its manifesto provided that; Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Israel secure under public law. To attain this goal they set about on four programs; first, the promotion by appropriate means of the settlement in Israel of Jewish farmers, artisans and manufacturers. Second, the organization and uniting of the whole of Jewry by means of appropriate institutions, both local and international, in compliance with the laws of each country, third the strengthening and fostering of Jewish national sentiment and national consciousness, foruth, preparatory steps towards obtaining the consent of governments, where necessary in order to reach the goals of Zionism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, there was little interest in the rest of the world for the sake of the Jews. The world simply did not care. It was not until Hitler unleashed the Holocaust upon the helpless Jews that international sympathy for Zionism catalyzed into actual action. After World War Two’s horrors more and more Jews came to Palestine in fulfillment of Zionism’s goals. There they found the land much as Joshua’s Hebrew found it. Full of Palestinians who were occupying land that, they felt, rightfully belong to the Jews. 1948 War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By 1947 the tension between the Jews and Arabs had reached fever pitch. The Jews were naturally interested in self-propagation and often held themselves apart from the Arabs when they could. They did not hire Arab workers if they could find help among other Jews. Their settlers were increasing in number and quite soon were a significant bloc of the population. The UN mandated that separate enclaves for Jews and Arabs would be created within Palestine in order to lessen the friction between the two groups. The Zionist leadership accepted the partition plan as the indispensable minimum, glad as they were with the international recognition, but sorry that they didnt get more. Unfortunately the arbitrary partition was the spark for an already explosive situation. Thousands of Jews and Palestinians were displaced by the mandatory and arbitrary partition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Stage was set for war. The Zionists were ready, they had trained both under British rule and in underground camps for the day when they would have to fight for independence. Despite the tiny population of the fledgling Jewish state thousands of Jewish men and women formed a committed fighting force under the aegis of the Yishuv, all told some 35,000 Jews took up the cudgels for independence although only about 10,000 of these were actually fit for frontline duty. They also had the elite Palamch commandos to spearhead their attacks. The Palamach and its wartime exploits   After the defeat of the Arabs in Palestine, the entire Arab World was stirred to wrath. Quoting the ancient victories of Saladin against the marauding Crusaders, the Arabs united to crush these new usurpers of their Holy Land. Like the Crusaders of old the young state of Israel was faced with a tide of foes many times their number and driven to fanaticism by their common faith. It went down to a test of wills, on who wanted the Holy Land more. The Arabs, driven with Jihadi fanaticism were determined to overthrow the Jews from the Holy Land. The Jews, had nowhere else to go. Ultimately, with a combination of superior tactics and training, not to mention the internal squabbling between the Arab leaders, the Jews prevailed. For the first time since the days of Rehoboam son of Solomon son of David, the Children of Israel had a land of their own independent and free.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unfortunately it would not be the end of its struggles. Israel would face wave after wave of invaders from its Neighbors who simply refused to accept their existence in Palestine. Nevertheless, they stood their ground and have staunchly defended their territories ever since.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They were also not above launching preemptive strikes, In 1967 After much saber rattling by their enemies, especially Egypt the Israeli government became convinced that war was eminent. Rather then be attacked again the Israeli’s struck first. Led by the formidable Hel HaAvir, the Israeli air force, The Israelites began the Six-Day war. The Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian forces were utterly defeated. By the end of the fighting Israel stretched from Suez Canal in the East to the Golan Heights in the west effectively trebling their land area. One of the most significant results of the war was that Israel now controlled all of Jerusalem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Simply, put after centuries of frustration and discrimination, the Zionist movement had come of age. Despite many trials and set backs they succeed in bringing the Jews home. Verily, every Jewish family in Israel can look to its past and claim that a relative fought heroically in defense of Israel in one of the many wars of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Invested with generations of blood and suffering, and mandated by God himself. The Israelis are loath to concede so much as an inch of their territory to those who would take it from them. In fact, every Israeli soldier, whether elite commando, foot solider or simply citizen reservist, takes an oath â€Å"Masada (the ancient fortress where the last Jewish freedom fighters died resisting the Romans) shall not fall†. By their vigilance it has not fallen. The Palestinian Dilemma   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The story of the Israeli struggle for self-determination spans centuries. It makes for dramatic reading. However, the events have left a certain group of people in a lurch. The Palestinians who originally held the territory before the Israelites arrived. Dispossession of Palestinian settlers after 1948 Al Nakba (The Catastrophe) The years following the 1948 conflict are known as the lost years. Disorganized Palestinian militias were no match for the determined and well trained Yishuv forces. Many former Palestinian enclaves fell under the power of the Jews. The few that remained free of Jewish domination were taken over by Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Having just fought a blood civil war with their Jewish neighbors the Palestinians were bitter and resentful. There was little love between the two people. Many chose to flee or were driven away by the Israelis as both were unwilling to abide with each other. However, by the 1950s a new generation of Palestinians formed nationalist groups that were organized clandestinely gathering strength before revealing themselves in the 1960s. The original Palestinian elite who had negotiated with the British and the Zionists during the mandate years were held accountable of Palestine and were replaced by these groups. Many members of these groups came from the middle-class who recently graduated from universities in Cairo or Damascus and imbibed in the ideals of Pan-Arabism put forth by Nasser.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The humiliation of Nasser and his movement during the Six Day war further dimmed the hopes of the Palestinians. Not only had the Arab armies failed to liberate Palestine from the Jews but they lost even more territories and the Palestinians were further displaced. With many of their organizations in ruins and the people once again exiled from their homes, the Palestinians pinned their hopes of on the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Palestinian people are a point of consternation for the Israeli because before the arrival of the Jews and their independence in 1948 there really was, in their opinion, no Palestinian state or Palestinian people just a group of settlers from various other Arab regions Golda Meir herself said; It was not as though there was a Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With such an attitude from a former head of state it is no wonder that Israel is loath to deal with the Palestinians as anything more than a refugee problem. Simply, put the Israelis believe that the only reason the Palestinians banded together was in opposition to the Zionists. Even their text books are written in such a way as to disavow a unique Palestinian identity. The books describe them as Arabs in the land of Israel instead of calling them Palestinians.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The refugee problem is aggravated by the refusal of other Arab countries to accept the Palestinian refugees. Rather than welcome their fellow Muslims the Arabs have forced the Palestinians to remain marginalized and desperate for a land to call their own. In summary the heart of the problem is a refusal of the Israeli state to grant the same right to self-determination that they claimed for themselves in 1948. Worsened by a refusal of the Arabs to grant asylum to the Palestinians. As a result the Palestinians are increasingly desperate and with national governments unwilling to offer help they have turned to terrorist groups like Al-Quaeda. Palestine Today   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United Relief Works Agency estimates that there are just under 4.5 Million  Palestinian refugees. They are defined as those â€Å"whose normal place of residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, who lost both their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict†. Given that many of these are dead by now the number is made larger by the inclusion of those who were born to people in such circumstances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many Palestinians live in abject poverty, they are discriminated by the Israelis who will often hire them at below mandated wages. The numerous terrorist organizations who recruit from Palestinians have created a heavy suspicion on all of them. Virtually every Palestinian is seen as a potential terrorist or suicide bomber. Two major rebellions and the failure of the Palestinian Authority to address problems ranging from Peace and Order to wages of PA employees have made the people even more frustrated and desperate. Is it then any wonder that many young Palestinians would rather strap on bombs on their bodies and blow themselves up to kill a few Jews instead of living lives of drudgery and disenchantment? III. Analysis â€Å"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.† Begins the Universal Declaration of Human rights. The International Covenant for Civil and Political rights offers this rejoinder â€Å"All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.† It is regrettable that these rights are denied to The Palestinian people. Unfortunately, these rights are extreme difficult to implement given the geo-political structure of Israel today. As late as 2006 the Palestinian Terror group known as Hezzbollah was firing rockets into Israel causing random destruction of property and lives. They also kidnapped several Israeli solider and killed others in surprise attacks and raids. The Israelis reacted by attacking Lebanon. Palestinians are treated with suspicion where ever they go within Israel’s borders. The Palestinian Authority, already questionable to the Israeli was completely discredited by the death of Yasser Arafat and the lack of a worthwhile successor. Worse, the conflict has since spread to far beyond the border’s of Palestine. Part of Bin-Laden usually inflammatory spiels is to remind the Muslim world that the U.S. has been sponsoring the Zionist state of Israel and that without their aid the Israeli state would long be gone. Harkening to the mass airlift of supplies the U.S. made to Israel during the Yom Kippur. As a result the Israeli affair has become a cassus belli for Muslims to legitimize their attacks on those who seek to support Israeli. An older example of this was the Oil embargo that OPEC pulled back in 1973 when it was obvious that the Arabs were losing the Yom Kippur War. However, this support of Israel is not the only grief the Arab world has against the U.S. they are called the Greater Satan for more reasons. Among them are the invasion of Afghanistan, Somalia and more recently Iraq all in pursuit of their self-proclaimed mandate as protectors of the free world. Sovereignty, International perspective One of the most critical arguments about the Israeli – Palestinian conflict is the issue of Sovereignty over Palestine. Naturally, the two sides have almost completely diametrically opposed interpretations of events with respect to this. The 1920 San Remo conference was held between the British, the Zionists and the Arab settlers of Palestine and was done mostly to ease rising tensions with respect to the Jews mass immigration. The Jews hold the the San Remo conference explicitly granted them the mandate for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. As a result, their claims are valid not only by de facto, since by the end of 1948 they controlled the land by force of arms, but also de jure by virtue of the treaty. Jewish legal experts also believe that Israel had the right to sovereignty over the territories since Jordan and Egypt had no clear legal sovereignty over those areas and the Israel, acting in self defence, was entitled to enter those regions to fill the vacuum.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Naturally, the Arabs hold that the San Remo conference conferred no such right to the Jews. Not only did it not offer them sovereignty but it also did not identify which parts of Palestine were going to be subject to this alleged Jewish Home land. To further their point they also insist on the right to self-determination of national groups which has long been recognized under international law. The same right enshrined in Art 1 of the ICCPR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, most Arabs and Israelis agree that the armistice line of 1949 is not a valid international border. Both groups also agree that a two state solution is best to end the conflict between the Israli and Palestinian people. The two states will be demarcated by the 1949-1967 armistice lines. This would provide the best solution because the Palestinian authority has been an abject failure. It was never strong enough to assert itself over the average Palestinian citizen and was plagued with problem from the beginning. The fact that its civilian authority was often over shadowed by Israeli military garrisons did not help its credibility.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The international consensus it that the Annexation of the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem is illegal and should not be recognized under international law. The occupation of the West Bank and Gaza strip has the status of an illegal occupation because they were conquered via force of arms and against the will of the populations Also, the people were rendered stateless by the attacks and the Israeli’s put the territory under military rather than civilian administration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the Six-Day war the UN stepped in with UN resolution 242. Adopted unanimously, it called for the Establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which was to be achieved by following two principles; First, the Withdrawal of Isreali forces territories occupied in the conflict and second, termination of all claims or states of belligerency. Also included were respect for the of every state in the region to live in peace within secure and recognized borders. All state parties in the Six day war agreed, in principle,   to UN Res 242 with the exception of Syria which granted it conditional acceptance in 1972   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the state of belligerency remained deeply rooted amongst the Arabs. The heads of Arab states adopted their own resolution in a conference held at Khartoum, in September 1967. The famous three Nos; no recognition of the Israeli conquests, and no negotiations and most importantly no recognition of the Israeli state. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Israel fought long and hard to achieve independence. For centuries they were a down trodden minority oppressed and discriminated upon by their neighbors. However, it would appear that they are doing to the Palestinians exactly the same thing they endured. By forcing the Palestinians to remain stateless and poor they are driving them to desperate ends.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A war for to conquer Israel is out of the question, time and time again the IDF has shown itself a competent army. The oath â€Å"Masada shall not fall† burns in the heart of every Israeli tanker and reservist, they are determined never again to be conquered by force of arms. Short of nuclear weapons no Arab army will defeat the Jews in battle. The Yom Kippur war is the best expression of this, despite the element of surprise the Arabs were ultimately defeated by an Israel surrounded and with little more than moral support from the outside world. The best solution to the problem would be simply to allow the Palestinians true autonomy under Palestinian leaders. After all the right to self determination is guaranteed by the UDHR and the ICCPR. The cost of securing the Palestinian enclaves is a drain on Israeli manpower and finances. Letting them live their lives on their own is going to be best course of action. By granting them true independence the Palestinians would only have themselves to blame if they failed and this would take the wind of the â€Å"Freedom!† slogan being sold them by terror groups. With out the justification of, allegedly, liberating the Palestinians from the Oppressive Jews Islamic extremists would lose much of their popular support in Palestine for their terror attacks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Israel has been recognized by her neighbors only recently, although her armies are competent, this does not mean she can run roughshod over her neighbors. By ridding itself of the legal monkey known as the Palestinian Question it would unburden itself of unneeded pain. The Palestinians enclaves are enclaves precisely because they are territories that Israel and her neighbors care little for. With the possible exception of the Gaza Strip, losing the territories the Palestinians hold would be a small loss. There is plenty of room in Israel for her Seven Million citizens. After all, did not Israel make the desert bloom?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For the Arabs, they must match their talk with action. They bleed for the Palestinians yet more aid comes to them from working illegal jobs in Israel than from humanitarian aid from their Arab brothers. Arab countries rich with oil could certainly provide subsidies to help the Palestinians get back on their feet if they are granted independence. If Bin Laden can afford to spend millions to fund his terror initiatives why can’t the Arab states spare a little of its petrol money to help their Muslim brothers? Is not Charity part of the Muslim commandments? References The book of Exodus 3:7-8 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 Book of Genesis in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 (Last accessed 14 Dec 07) Fulcher of Chartres, Medieval Sourcebook. Available at (Last accessed 14 Dec 07) Vladimir Minorsky, The Prehistory of Saladin, Studies in Caucasian History, Cambridge University Press, 1957, Malcolm Lyons and D.E.P. Jackson, Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 session 30 on 10 November 1975 Arjun, Sethi Zionism The British in Palestine January 2007, available at (Last accessed 12 Dec 07 The Basle Program. Resolutions of the First Zionist Congress available at (last accessed 10 Dec 07) Morris, Benny (2001). Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001. El-Nawawy, Mohammed (2002), The Israeli-Egyptian Peace Process in the Reporting of Western Journalists, Ablex/Greenwood, Gelber, Yoav. Palestine 1948. WAr, Escape and the Emergnece of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. Sussex Academic Press. (2006) Karsh, Efraim. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. The Palestine War 1948. Osprey Publishing. (2006) Khalidi, Rashid (1997). Identity:The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. New York, NY: Columbia University Press p 190 Cooley, John K Green March, Black September, Frank Cass, London 1973 pp.196f Zionist Aspirations: Dr Weizmann on the Future of Palestine, The Times, Saturday, 8 May, 1920 Weizmann â€Å"The missing Revisoner: reflections on the Status of Judea and Samaria† 3 Israel law review (1968) Blum, Yehuda, â€Å"The Juridical Status of Jerusalem† (1974) United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 (December 17, 1981), about the Golan Heights. United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 (August 20, 1980), about East Jerusalem. United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) Hinnebusch, Raymond A.; Drysdale, Alasdair. Syria and the Middle East Peace Process. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, (1991)   See Exodus 3:7-8 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 See Genesis 12:1-2 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 See Genesis 21:1-8 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 See Genesis 16:1-114 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 Genesis 46:1-33 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 Exodus 1:8-16 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978   Exodus 2:1-8 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978 Exodus 2:11-16 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978   Exodus 3:7-8 in Holy Bible The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version 1978   Fulcher of Chartres, Medieval Sourcebook. Available at (Last accessed 14 Dec 07)   Vladimir Minorsky, The Prehistory of Saladin, Studies in Caucasian History, Cambridge University Press, 1957, pp. 124-132. Malcolm Lyons and D.E.P. Jackson, Saladin: The Politics of the Holy War p 2   Beha ad-Din, The Life of Saladin, pages 278-281   Gellner, Ernest. Nations and Nationalism (First edition), p 107-108.   United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 session 30 on 10 November 1975   Arjun, Sethi Zionism The British in Palestine January 2007, available at (Last accessed 12 Dec 07 The Basle Program. Resolutions of the First Zionist Congress available at (last accessed 10 Dec 07) l-Nawawy, Mohammed (2002), The Israeli-Egyptian Peace Process in the Reporting of Western Journalists, Ablex/Greenwood, p 1-2   Morris, Benny (2001). Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001. p 190   Gelber, Yoav. Palestine 1948. WAr, Escape and the Emergnece of the Palestinian Refugee Problem. Sussex Academic Press p. 73, also; Karsh, Efraim. The Arab-Israeli Conflict. The Palestine War 1948. Osprey Publishing. (2006) , p. 25.   Khalidi, Rashid (1997). Identity:The Construction of Modern National Consciousness. New York, NY: Columbia University Press p 190 Cooley, John K Green March, Black September, Frank Cass, London 1973 pp.196f Art 1 UDHR ICCPR Art 1 Zionist Aspirations: Dr Weizmann on the Future of Palestine, The Times, Saturday, 8 May, 1920; p. 15.   3 Israel Law Review p190 All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development United Nations Security Council Resolution 497 (December 17, 1981), about the Golan Heights. United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 (August 20, 1980), about East Jerusalem.   Hinnebusch, Raymond A.; Drysdale, Alasdair. Syria and the Middle East Peace Process. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, (1991) p 105

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ikemefuna’s Death in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Essay -- Things

Ikemefuna’s Death in Things Fall Apart Okonkwo’s participation in the slaying of his adopted son, Ikemefuna is a pivotal moment in Things Fall Apart. It is a moment of horror that cannot please Ani, the great earth goddess, the center of community, the ultimate judge of morality for the clan. It is a moment that changes the course of events, a moment eerily paralleled in the death of Ezeudu’s son. It is a moment that ultimately causes Okonkwo’s son, Nwoye’s to abandon his ancestors and become a Christian. It is a moment when the center of community life, the need to honor blood ties and the need to respect the earth goddess, can no longer hold. It is a moment when things fall apart. "That boy calls you father. Do not bear a hand in his death," advises Ezeudu, the oldest and most respected man in the village (Achebe 57). Although he treats the boy as a son (28), Okonkwo’s greatest fear is to be thought effeminate. He ignores Ezeudu’s advice and accompanies the party that takes Ikemefuna to his death. Ikemefuna feels safe, not believing that harm will come to him while his fos...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Decision Making at the Top: The All Star Essay

Sunru Yong prepared this case solely as a basis for class discussion and not as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management. This case, though based on real events, is fictionalized, and any resemblance to actual persons or entities is coincidental. There are occasional references to actual companies in the narration. Copyright  © 2008 President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545-7685, write Harvard Business Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to This publication may not be digitized, photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, posted, or transmitted, without the permission of Harvard Business School. M I C H A E L B E E R S U N R U Y O N G TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial Emma Richardson squinted at the TerraCog GPS (Global Positioning System) prototype in her hand. She zoomed in until the display showed a clearer satellite photo of the lake 200 feet in front of her and into which her Labrador had already happily bounded. Most weekends, Richardson made the hike to the lake to clear her mind and, on occasion, to test new GPS models from her employer, TerraCog, Inc. Unfortunately, with the â€Å"Project Aerial† launch meeting scheduled for the next day, it was difficult to enjoy this particular hike. Emma wondered how to get all parties to reach an agreement on the price point for Aerial. TerraCog had started losing share to a competitor, Posthaste, and it was imperative to get the new product to market. Arriving at the lake, Richardson gave in to the urge to check her phone and grimaced as she noticed two new voicemails. The first message was from Allen  Roth, the director of design & development (see Exhibits 1 and 2 for an organizational chart and brief biographies of key managers): â€Å"Emma, it’s Allen. Listen, Tony and I have been over these cost numbers on Aerial. We cut all that we could and we ended up with only a 7% or 8% reduction to cost. Unfortunately, I don’t think this will get us to the price point that Sales is looking for. But I don’t need to remind you that we gave Sales the features and functionality they wanted in Aerial, so I’m not going back now to ask my team to do the impossible. We’ll hash it out tomorrow, but I figured it best you hear it from me.† The second message was from her boss, Richard Fiero, the company president: â€Å"Emma, I wanted to check on Aerial. I heard grumbling from Ed and the sales team on Friday. They seemed frustrated with Tony Barren’s production team. Make sure Production has its act together. Tony should know he’s on thin ice after the recent production fiasco on that sonar project-he’s got to succeed on Aerial. We need to have Aerial on shelves at the start of Q3. Some board members are worried, so Aerial will be near the top of the agenda at the board meeting next month.† 2184 A P R I L 1 1 , 2 0 0 8 For the exclusive use of B. Shi This document is authorized for use only by Bixi Shi in Organizational Behavior- Fall 2014 taught by Elaine Wong University of California – Riverside from October 2014 to December 2014. 2184 | TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial 2 BRIEFCASES | HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL Neither message was encouraging. The Aerial meeting the next day, involving  the sales, design & development, and production departments, was now guaranteed to be contentious. It was March 2008-only two months since Richardson had been promoted to executive vice president. Fiero had tasked her with moving TerraCog toward greater operational alignment and increasing cross-departmental cooperation. Richardson had already been tested by both inventory problems and quality issues, which had led to significant tension between the U.S. headquarters in Chicago and the production team in Shenzhen, China. Now, disagreement over the proposed price point for Aerial threatened to derail the launch of the prototype in her hand. Company and Industry History TerraCog was a privately held company specializing in high-quality Global Positioning System (GPS) and fishing sonar equipment. Founded in 1977, TerraCog got its start manufacturing high-end sonar equipment for serious sport fishermen and boaters. In the late 1990s, the company had introduced its first GPS products, marketed specifically to hunters, hikers, and campers. Management believed that it was the company’s skill at translating retailer and user feedback into exceptional product design and functionality that fueled the growth of its GPS business. Through attentive channel management and, as Fiero put it, â€Å"a deep understanding of what specialty retailers needed,† TerraCog had developed strong relationships with its key accounts. Fiero also believed that TerraCog’s grasp of its consumers’ preferences and usage had given it an edge over GPS manufacturers whose core business was in automotive applications. The firm had built its GPS line for the serious outdoor enthusiasts’ market, and the products had won plaudits for durability and value-added features like the integrated compass and barometric altimeter. Moreover, industry reports indicated that the TerraCog GPS outperformed competing products on navigation. TerraCog’s proprietary firmware-a custom computer program embedded into hardware that â€Å"ran† functions-optimized the GPS chipset’s Wide Area Augmentation System  capability, which provided more precise navigation. The company was not always first to market. In fact, TerraCog had found it was free to lag in technological innovation with little risk because, when the company finally introduced new products, they surpassed those of competitors in addressing customer needs. Customer word-of-mouth recommendations had given TerraCog strong momentum with its handheld GPS. In early 2007, TerraCog prepared to enter new, underserved GPS sub-markets, including cycling and fitness applications. â€Å"Google Earthâ„ ¢ for your GPS† At the Summer 2006 Outdoor Retailer Show-the biggest trade show for vendors of outdoor goods-a competitor, Posthaste, had unveiled a GPS prototype called â€Å"BirdsI† that displayed satellite imagery. The imagery was not live, but rather static satellite photographs that had been â€Å"stitched† into a single view. This was a marked improvement on the simple, vector-based graphics used by the rest of the industry (see Exhibit 3 for a comparison). This did not impress the TerraCog team. The imagery was crisp and had a certain visual appeal, but TerraCog’s research showed that BirdsI technology did not offer substantive performance improvement over the standard maps in TerraCog’s GPS system. Furthermore, the TerraCog team was convinced that Posthaste’s receiver lagged TerraCog’s product in both accuracy and reception quality. While the TerraCog team dismissed the Posthaste concept, a number of key buyers and product reviewers found it an exciting innovation. One magazine reviewer observed, â€Å"Imagine having For the exclusive use of B. Shi This document is authorized for use only by Bixi Shi in Organizational Behavior- Fall 2014 taught by Elaine Wong University of California – Riverside from October 2014 to December 2014. TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial | 2184 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL | BRIEFCASES 3 Google Earthâ„ ¢ built into your GPS-it’s much more compelling to look at an actual satellite image than to have yellow for land, blue blobs for water, and grey squiggles for roads.† Based on the buzz, TerraCog’s executives debated whether to upgrade to satellite imagery. However, they realized that adding the feature to the existing GPS platform required upgrades to processor speed and memory, as well as new firmware. After some deliberation, the company dropped the idea as a non-essential fad. TerraCog’s management remained confident that the company’s core customers were discerning purchasers who would value durability and performance over dressed-up graphics. In October 2006, with much fanfare, Posthaste introduced BirdsI as â€Å"the only handheld GPS with satellite imagery.† BirdsI had an exclusive launch at two major national outdoor retailers, both of which were key accounts for TerraCog. Within two months, TerraCog’s sales representatives in the field reported impressive sell-through rates for BirdsI nationwide. While the product’s success surprised TerraCog, management attributed it to the ebullience of the holiday shopping season. The TerraCog team was confident that the popularity of BirdsI wouldn’t last. Project Aerial However, by spring 2007 TerraCog’s sales reps were noticing increasing customer demand for a GPS with satellite imagery like BirdsI. Ed Pryor, vice-president of sales, began pressing for a reversal of the decision not to develop the product. â€Å"It’s embarrassing to have no answers for our retailers when they ask for our version of this,† he said. â€Å"Look at it from our perspective. We’ve changed the compensation plan for the whole Sales team-including me-so we take a real hit if we don’t reach our sales targets. Customers now want something different, and I can’t tell my reps we have no  plans to develop the product they need to hit those targets.† In response to these repeated requests, TerraCog’s president, Richard Fiero, changed his mind on satellite imagery, if only to satisfy the â€Å"gadget† appeal of such an innovation. The initiative was dubbed Project Aerial. In order to speed development and avoid the costs of new moldings and major reconfiguration, the team decided to redesign within the existing GPS platform. Shortly after making the decision to proceed with Aerial, Fiero and Pryor met with Allen Roth, director of design & development. Roth brought his key managers to the meeting: Cory Wu, who oversaw software and firmware, and Alice Gorga, who managed hardware design. RICHARD FIERO: Allen, we’re obviously in a hurry to get to market. But we don’t want something slapped together – let’s make sure we get this product completely right the first time. Our reputation for quality is paramount. ALLEN ROTH: Understood. Are we including all the same features that we have in our current GPS line? ED PRYOR: Yes. We plan to offer Aerial at approximately a $50 retail premium to the current top- of-the-line GPS, so it’s important to maintain the same high-end functionality. ALLEN ROTH: What about speed? Satellite imagery requires a lot of processing power, so without some serious juicing, Aerial might run slower than you’d like. ED PRYOR: I think we’ll be okay there, Allen. Our consumers are tech-savvy-they know there’s an inherent trade-off to get more sophisticated graphics. As the meeting ended, Roth indicated that they would have to do some careful planning to keep costs as low as possible, but he was sure the product design could be completed by year’s end. At that point, they could hand it off to production to develop detailed cost estimates, which would allow the  sales team, in consultation with finance, to determine pricing and develop a go-to-market plan. For the exclusive use of B. Shi This document is authorized for use only by Bixi Shi in Organizational Behavior- Fall 2014 taught by Elaine Wong University of California – Riverside from October 2014 to December 2014. 2184 | TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial 4 BRIEFCASES | HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL Given the manufacturing lead-time, TerraCog expected to get Aerial to stores by the 2008 holiday season (see Exhibit 4 for timeline of events). The product development team members did not greet the Aerial decision with enthusiasm. First, they felt that a redesign of the total platform-including firmware, external case, internal components, and TFT (thin-film transistor) display-was feasible if management could extend time to market by six more months; the resulting product would be superior and the project would be more stimulating technically to the team members. Second, they had several other ideas for new products that they believed would position TerraCog to capitalize on growth in cycling and fitness GPS applications, and Project Aerial was forcing them to put aside these more exciting projects. Finally, with company co-founder Harold Whistler preparing for retirement, Roth was eager to prove his readiness to be the next VP of design & development. The Aerial project impeded his building of a product line he could truly call his own. Aerial Pre-Launch Meeting As promised, the design team completed Aerial by the end of 2007. Late in January 2008, the production team received the design specifications it  needed to establish production methods, conduct a pilot run, and estimate costs. As the new executive vice president, Emma Richardson was tasked with overseeing the product launch. She scheduled a launch meeting in early March with sales, production, and design & development. In the past, Fiero and Whistler had been very involved in new products and tended to make quick decisions. TerraCog’s growth forced Fiero to take a step back from the launch process, while Whistler had cut back to part-time hours. There were many more employees involved in Aerial than in past product launches, and Richardson worried that the size of the group might threaten the focus and thwart decision making. She needed to finalize decisions on costs, pricing, and initial production volume. At the start of the pre-launch meeting on March 7, Richardson looked down the table, seeing Ed Pryor, Allen Roth, production director Tony Barren, Cory Wu representing software and firmware, and Alice Gorga representing hardware. Richardson opened the meeting by asking Barren to present his cost estimates. Barren looked around grimly and did not mince words: â€Å"This thing’s expensive to build. It looks the same, but Aerial’s got higher-end components and it’s more complex to manufacture.† He gave a high-level overview of product-cost breakdown and concluded by saying, â€Å"I’ll be blunt. You’re going to have to sell this product for a lot more than you thought. If anything, we have been too aggressive in our cost estimate. We can’t lower it beyond what I’ve presented.† ED PRYOR: I know you think your estimates are sound, but that isn’t going to help us. With these numbers, we would have to sell Aerial for $550 to maintain our margin. We’d be two years late to market with a price point $100 over BirdsI. CORY WU: Tony, those cost estimates are surprisingly high. We tweaked the firmware without overhauling it, so it’s basically the same components. It doesn’t seem justified that the costs should come out as you say. ALICE GORGA: I’m not sure, Cory. Those costs look realistic, given how my  team upgraded the hardware. Sales probably just needs to reconsider how to position this thing. I think – ED PRYOR: Wait, are we here to talk about positioning or pricing? Fiero and I already figured out how we’ll position the product, so let’s just get the pricing straightened out. For the exclusive use of B. Shi This document is authorized for use only by Bixi Shi in Organizational Behavior- Fall 2014 taught by Elaine Wong University of California – Riverside from October 2014 to December 2014. TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial | 2184 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL | BRIEFCASES 5 TONY BARREN: Well, we don’t perform miracles. The cost won’t change, and I’m not going to cut corners in production. I had my head handed to me the last time we had quality issues. ED PRYOR: Allen, your designers must be able to tweak something, right? Hate to say it, but maybe you guys need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to solve this problem. ALLEN ROTH: Ed, we’re well into a couple of other projects now. Frankly, I don’t think this is Sales’ call to make. We already put other projects on hold for Aerial, and we’ve given you what you requested. The discussion continued, but it became clear the group was at an impasse. Richardson suggested ending the meeting: â€Å"Why don’t we wrap it up for now and meet again next week? In the meantime Tony and the Design team should look for opportunities to cut these costs.† As the meeting adjourned, Pryor announced to the room, â€Å"If we can’t lower these costs and fix the finances on Aerial, I can’t sell it. I won’t try.† Resumption of Aerial Pre-Launch Meeting One Week Later Roth and Barren had spent much of the intervening week reviewing the cost estimates. When the team re-gathered on March 14, the participants seated themselves around the conference table (see Exhibit 5 for a seating chart). Becky Timmons, the CFO, was in attendance. At the last minute, Harold Whistler also decided to join the meeting. As Emma Richardson passed out copies of the new cost estimates, she explained that Roth and Barren had agreed to make minor changes to the Aerial prototype, and that they now felt it could be produced for approximately 8% less than the prior week’s estimate. On this basis, the Aerial could be priced at $475, about $100 more than the current full-featured TerraCog GPS. A long silence followed, then Cory Wu spoke up. â€Å"Eight percent-that’s all? I don’t understand it. I’d like to know where the differences lie between our costs and PostHaste’s on BirdsI. There’s got to be room for more cuts.† Barren snorted derisively. â€Å"You can’t wish away the costs,† he said. â€Å"We’ve cut what we can. Last time we got pressured into being too aggressive on cost estimates and then we got burned when the price of plastic went through the roof. I’m not making that mistake again.† Allen Roth concurred, pointing to the drivers of the cost increase: â€Å"Incorporating the satellite imagery requires five times as much memory as our standard graphics. That increases cost-but if you cut it, you undermine Aerial’s value proposition. Then we also did some reconfiguration internally, and that increases the labor required to put one of these together.† He paused, surveying the frustrated faces around him. â€Å"I don’t like the situation any more than the rest of you do, but we’ve got to be realistic. Look at the numbers in front of you-there’s nothing we can do to further reduce costs.† As everyone scrutinized the new cost estimates, the meeting broke into several conversations. Ed Pryor and Richardson huddled together, while Allen Roth and Tony Barren carried on a conversation with Harold Whistler. After several minutes, Richardson realized she needed to get the discussion back on track. She addressed the entire group, saying, â€Å"We have the estimates, so we just have to set a price that makes sense for the company. What do you think, Ed?† ED PRYOR: We have to consider the selling price of the Aerial relative to competition. Posthaste is selling at around $250 to dealers, which means they retail for around $400. Garmin just announced For the exclusive use of B. Shi This document is authorized for use only by Bixi Shi in Organizational Behavior- Fall 2014 taught by Elaine Wong University of California – Riverside from October 2014 to December 2014. 2184 | TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial 6 BRIEFCASES | HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL their satellite-image version, which will hit shelves at somewhere around $395 MSRP. You all are talking about $475 retail, and that’s too high. We have to be in the ball park with our list price or we’ll be shut out of the game. EMMA RICHARDSON: What should list price be? ED PRYOR: $425 tops-but we should be lower than that if we are going to be aggressive at recapturing lost share. Let’s not kid ourselves. The way we’re trending, same-store sales will be down 10% this year. And this is with the GPS handheld market growing. HAROLD WHISTLER: What if we relax our margin requirements for once? BECKY TIMMONS: Absolutely not. We’re cutting it close already. HAROLD WHISTLER: Okay, then how about a redesign? Let’s go to market with what we have, and I’ll have my team take another look at possible changes that we can incorporate later. ALLEN ROTH: I’m afraid that’s wishful thinking, Harold. Given the product requirements the sales team called for, the cost is as low as it will get. CORY WU: I don’t know about that. The changes we made to meet sales’ requirements were not enormous. Why would they contribute to such a large increase in projected labor costs? TONY BARREN: Cory, you and Harold can run the numbers for yourself. Then you’ll see that these high costs are real. BECKY TIMMONS: I’d still feel more comfortable if we could price it at $500 retail. With fuel costs still rising, the cost to get these here from Shenzhen will only increase, and we run the risk of our margins really getting squeezed. ED PRYOR: Becky, you don’t understand how competitive this market is! Even at $475, why would anyone give us shelf space? We are late to market and we’d be pricing at a substantial premium. And is the product superior enough to justify that premium? I’ve been trying out our prototypes and I’m concerned about the speed. The update speed is terrible, and switching between functions is just – ALLEN ROTH: Come on, don’t start talking speed now. We were clear from the start that we would trade some speed to get new functionality and features. ED PRYOR: Well, my sales managers are going to be fuming. Fiero told them  Aerial would be available at $400, and now you are talking about a minimum of $75 more than that. I still want to see Cory or Harold take a crack at reducing unit cost. Emma Richardson took a deep breath. The company needed a â€Å"go/no-go† decision on the existing Aerial, and whether to do so at a competitive price in the hope that costs might be cut in the future, or at a high price. She wondered fleetingly what the consequences might be if the company abandoned Aerial altogether. As things stood, the arguments and finger-pointing were bound to continue, and the group would never come to a decision on its own.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Essay

There is no doubt that the book â€Å"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close† by Jonathan Safranfoer focuses more on the story with Oskar, however it also includes a compelling side story of the life of the Grandfather. From reading the different events that occur throughout his years, the readers can sense a feeling of wrongdoing and reconciliation. The underlying story about the grandfather explains his reasoning behind his wrongdoing, what he did to commit to it, and his actions afterwards to reconcile on behalf of it. The early events of the grandfather’s life were complicated for him, and resulted in his mind being corrupt. Through the quote, â€Å"Does it break my heart, of course, every moment of every day, into more pieces than my heart was made of, I never thought of myself as quiet, much less silent† (Safranfoer 17), the seclusion between him and the world is starting to become noticeable. After suffering the loss of his first love, as well as his child, left him with an unbearable sadness so early in his life. This causes his views on living to be altered; as he thought of it as something that is a shame to partake in. His inability to even talk anymore; starting with the name â€Å"Anna† and slowly reducing to nothing, verifies that her death triggered his isolation. With that, he was left empty and reluctant to allow anyone to fill that void. Years after the Anna’s death, the grandfather started his relationship with the grandmother. Still isolating himself, he explained at the end of the book, his reasoning for leaving the grandmother prior through a conversation with Oskar, â€Å"‘How did he die’ ‘I lost him before he died’ ‘How? ‘I went away’ ‘Why? ’ He wrote, ‘I was afraid’ ‘Afraid of what? ’ ‘Afraid of losing him’† (Safranfoer 322). This is a strong quote explaining how the grandfather was too scared to love someone again. The rules that he and the grandmother placed with the something and nothing areas gave him his own type of comfort in continuing to live without Anna. When he learned of the grandmother’s pregnancy, he lost any remaining security that he has accumulated throughout the course of their relationship. His views on life and love were already corrupt as he was still broken from before, so with this, he remained confused on what to do. Unable to allow himself to open up and love another one of his children again, he left before he got the chance to. Contrarily, after leaving, the grandfather wrote multiple letters to the son that he never knew, which showed how ashamed he was of himself. However, due to his perspective on living, he feels that he was left with no other choice. This was an important moment when the grandfather was able to open up to the grandmother, which allowed the readers to gain an understanding of his true thoughts and feelings towards the events of his life. He lost something he never had. That is why he generated this chaos throughout his life. It hurt him, and although he does not specifically say that he wishes it did not happen, the tone expressed shows that he would have been better off without this suffering. To elaborate on that thought, one must put themselves in the grandfathers’ shoes. The person who he was in love with, who was also carrying his child, was killed in a war that was not even ideal to be a part of. Northrop Frye, author of ‘The Educated Imagination’ states, â€Å"What produces the tolerance is the power of detachment in the imagination, where things are removed just out of reach of belief and action â€Å"(Frye 46). For the readers, this seems like a common tragedy during the war, but to really hink deeply about the emotions of the people who lived through that misfortune portrays the grandfather in a different way. He had every right to feel the way he was feeling; war put many people in misery, for many different reasons, that revolved around the same topic, loss of a loved one. To live through that, and be expected to continue on with life conventionally is obscured. Frye explains that readers develop a tolerance when reading, but what must now be done is to learn to understand within the reach of belief and action. By being able to adapt to this deeper understanding, it is easier to understand the feelings going through the grandfather. Another way the reconciliation with the grandfather is seen is when Oskar confides in the grandfather; but to Oskar, is just the renter. After hearing the message recordings on the phone, the grandfather writes, in a letter to his son, â€Å"The message was cut off, you sounded so calm, you did not sound like someone who was about to die, I wish we could have sat across a table and talked about nothing for hours† (Safranfoer 281). Thinking from the grandfather’s perspective; he is listening to the voice of his son that he never met for the first time, right before the son is about to die. One could only imagine how traumatizing it would be to hear that. This encounter between Oskar and the grandfather was more of a rude awakening to the grandfather. He left his son before he could even meet him, and now, all he has left of him is the sound of his voice, minutes before he dies. The amount of regret within the grandfather is enormous; he is ashamed. By joining Oskar in digging up the casket, he puts the letters into it. This symbolizes his way of finally sending his son the letters. It is a way to put him at peace and finally reach out to his son. These events will always be a memory, but maybe now he can find a way to accept it and try ‘living’ in a new acceptable way. For the grandfather to experiences all these occasions, yet still confess to his mistakes, makes the underlying story about him an inspirational portion to the book. Having such a distressing event early in his life causes him to make mistakes and hurt the people who are significant to him, but in the end, he makes up for it; reconciles. In the world today, it is rare that someone who takes responsibility for their actions, and admits that they were wrong. The grandfather goes through such traumas in his life, and proves to be a strong, good-hearted man.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

student management system Essay Example

student management system Essay Example student management system Essay student management system Essay ABSTRACT A Student management is a very important part of university management, and according to the actual situation of the school work, student management system can not only improve the efficiency of staff and students, but can also be a time and resources saver. In this project, object oriented design methods are applied to the development of the system. The author will use Rational Rose UML modeling to complete the requirement analysis of the student management system, and the functionality and performance analysis. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Introduction In recent years, with the growth of colleges and universities across the globe, the number of students is also increasing exponentially, which is sure to bring university management a great deal of stress. University student management as relevant part of university management, and its significance cannot be ignored. Therefore how to ease the stress on university management as the number of university students increases has been a problem that we have to face. With the continuous development and improvement of computer technology and the growth of the Internet technology, Information Technology is rapidly spreading into various fields of human social life and plays an increasingly significant role. Student management system is an information system that can do various types of data collection, storage, processing, transformation and transmission. It is the application of IT in the field of teaching management. An efficient student management system is not only for the smooth development of the university management to provide favorable conditions, but also plays an important role to improve the quality of tertiary Education. . 2 Problem statement Misuse of resources, be it human or material can have great effect on any nations socio-political and economic development (Annam, 2010). In the following management system currently being used at Makerere University. Typographic errors and data integrity: a lot of unavoidable errors are made with the manual system especially during data collection and entry. This makes information inaccu rate and goes a long way to affect the integrity of the university student management system. Data security: data stored on shelves or in file cabinets can easily be damaged by insects or fire. They could even be destroyed by employees over time due to degradation from constant handling, and may be accessed by unauthorized persons. 1. 3 Solutions The new system will help make data collection and entry more accurate, thereby ensuring the dissemination of accurate information to the various users of the student management system. The new system will make sure data is securely stored and will only be accessed by authorized personnel. . 4 Aim To introduce, develop and implement a student management system for Makerere University 1. 5 Objectives 1. To review the existing manual system and application. . To compare similar existing systems and applications. 3. To review the relevant topics/concepts/technologies related to the project. 4. To review methodologies and propose a suitable methodology for the project. 5. To carry out fact-finding/information gathering for the new system. 6. To design the database and the interface of the new system. 1. 6 Rationale Makerere University is one of Ugandas top universities and still manages student information manually. This manual system faces a number of challenges that affects the core of the student management systems. Some of these challenges include; ypographic errors, inadequate data security or the complete lack thereof, data integrity issues, difficulty in data accessibility, unmanageable data control, etc. herefore, the aim of this project is to introduce, develop and implement a student management system for the University in order to eliminate the barriers placed by the current manual system. 1. 7 Summary In this chapter, the author has covered the scope, aim and objective of the new proposed student management system and also the problem statement of the existing manual system and also how these problems will be solved using various tools and techniques.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Special Management Issues

Special Management Issues The increasing application of Scientific Management principles of work organisations to services is, despite its limitations, inevitable and irreversible’. Discuss. I Introduction From the outset of this essay it is necessary to define the basic principles of Scientific Management in order for the statement to be fully understood and why if at all such a practice is ‘inevitable’ and indeed ‘irreversible’ within a service industry context. The underlying belief that scientific management, or rationalisation= , is able to provide the basis for separating management from the execution of work. ‘The rationalisation of work has the effect of transferring functions of planning, allocation and co-ordination to managers, whilst reinforcing the managerial monopoly of decision-making, motivation and control’. Hales (1994). Taylor (1856-1915) has been referred to as the father of Scientific Management. He believed that management, not labour, was th e cause of and potential solution to problems in the industry. Taylor concluded that workers systematically ‘soldiered’ because they believed that faster work would put them out of a job and because hourly or daily wages destroyed individual incentive. Taylor believed that in order to discourage, and indeed halt, this ‘soldiering’ a ‘mental revolution’ was required. He believed this could be achieved via four vital principles: (1) the development of the best work method, via systematic observation, measurement and analysis; (2) the scientific selection and development of workers; (3) the relating and bringing together of the best work method and the developed and trained worker; (4) the co-operation of managers and non-managers which includes the division of work and the managers responsibility of work. From this five key facets have evolved that lie at the foundation of scientific management. Hales (1994) has summarised these as follows: - sys temat... Free Essays on Special Management Issues Free Essays on Special Management Issues Special Management Issues The increasing application of Scientific Management principles of work organisations to services is, despite its limitations, inevitable and irreversible’. Discuss. I Introduction From the outset of this essay it is necessary to define the basic principles of Scientific Management in order for the statement to be fully understood and why if at all such a practice is ‘inevitable’ and indeed ‘irreversible’ within a service industry context. The underlying belief that scientific management, or rationalisation= , is able to provide the basis for separating management from the execution of work. ‘The rationalisation of work has the effect of transferring functions of planning, allocation and co-ordination to managers, whilst reinforcing the managerial monopoly of decision-making, motivation and control’. Hales (1994). Taylor (1856-1915) has been referred to as the father of Scientific Management. He believed that management, not labour, was th e cause of and potential solution to problems in the industry. Taylor concluded that workers systematically ‘soldiered’ because they believed that faster work would put them out of a job and because hourly or daily wages destroyed individual incentive. Taylor believed that in order to discourage, and indeed halt, this ‘soldiering’ a ‘mental revolution’ was required. He believed this could be achieved via four vital principles: (1) the development of the best work method, via systematic observation, measurement and analysis; (2) the scientific selection and development of workers; (3) the relating and bringing together of the best work method and the developed and trained worker; (4) the co-operation of managers and non-managers which includes the division of work and the managers responsibility of work. From this five key facets have evolved that lie at the foundation of scientific management. Hales (1994) has summarised these as follows: - sys temat...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Feminist Analysis of Shakespeares Hamlet

A Feminist Analysis of Shakespeares Hamlet According to feminist scholars, the canonical texts of Western literature represent the voices of those who have been given the power to speak in Western culture. The authors of the Western canon are predominately white men, and many critics consider their voices to be domineering, exclusionary, and biased in favor of a male point of view. This complaint has led to much debate between critics and defenders of the canon. To explore some of these issues, we will examine Shakespeares Hamlet, one of the most famous and widely read works of the Western canon. The Western Canon and Its Critics One of the most prominent and vocal defenders of the canon is Harold Bloom, author of the bestseller The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. In this book, Bloom lists the works that he believes constitute the canon (from Homer to the present) and argues for their safeguarding. He also spells out who, in his view, the canons critics and enemies are. Bloom groups these opponents, including feminist scholars who wish to revise the canon, into one School of Resentment. His contention is that these critics are striving, for their own peculiar reasons, to invade the world of academia and replace the traditional, largely canonical programs of the past with a new curriculumin Blooms words, a politicized curriculum. Blooms defense of the Western canon rests on its aesthetic value. The focus of his complaint is that,  among the professions of literary teachers, critics, analysts, reviewers and authors too, there has been an increasingly noticeable  flight from the aesthetic brought on by an unfortunate attempt to assuage displaced guilt. In other words, Bloom believes that the academic feminists, Marxists, Afrocentrists, and other critics of the canon are motivated by a political desire to correct the sins of the past by replacing the literary works from those eras. In turn, these critics of the canon argue that Bloom and his sympathizers are racists and sexists, that they are excluding the under-represented, and that they oppose...adventure and new interpretations. Feminism in Hamlet For Bloom, the greatest of the canonical authors is Shakespeare, and one of the works Bloom most celebrates in The Western Canon is Hamlet. This play, of course, has been celebrated by all kinds of critics through the ages. The feminist complaintthat the Western canon, in the words of Brenda Cantar, is generally not from the point of view of a woman and that womens voices are virtually ignoredis supported by the evidence of Hamlet. This play, which supposedly fathoms the human psyche, does not reveal much at all about the two major female characters. They act either as a theatrical balance to the male characters or as a sounding board for their fine speeches and actions. Bloom gives fuel to the feminist claim of sexism when he observes that Queen Gertrude,  recently the recipient of several Feminist defenses, requires no apologies. She is evidently a woman of exuberant sexuality, who inspired  luxurious  passion first in  King Hamlet  and later in King Claudius.  If this is the best that Bloom can offer in suggesting the substance of Gertrudes character, it would serve us well to examine further some of the complaints of the feminists regarding the female voice in Shakespeare. Cantar points out that  both the male and female psyches are a construction of cultural forces, such as class differences, racial and national differences, historical differences. What more influential cultural force could there have been in Shakespeares time than that of patriarchy? The  patriarchal society  of the Western world had powerfully negative implications for the freedom of women to express themselves, and in turn, the psyche of the woman was almost entirely subsumed (artistically, socially, linguistically, and legally) by the cultural psyche of the man. Sadly, the male regard for the female was inextricably connected to the female body. Since men were assumed to be dominant over women, the female body was considered the mans property, and its sexual objectification was an open topic of conversation. Many of Shakespeares plays make this very clear, including Hamlet. The sexual innuendo in Hamlets dialogue with Ophelia would have been transparent to a Renaissance audience, and apparently acceptable. Referring to a double meaning of nothing, Hamlet says to her: Thats a fair thought to lie between maids legs. It is a tawdry joke for a noble prince to share with a young woman of the court; however, Hamlet is not shy to share it, and Ophelia seems not at all offended to hear it. But then, the author is a male writing in a male-dominated culture, and the dialogue represents his point of view, not necessarily that of a cultured woman, who might feel differently about such humor. Gertrude and Ophelia To Polonius, the chief counselor to the king, the greatest threat to the social order is cuckoldry or the unfaithfulness of a woman to her husband. For this reason, critic Jacqueline Rose writes that Gertrude is the symbolic scapegoat of the play. Susanne Wofford interprets Rose to mean that Gertrudes betrayal of her husband is the cause of Hamlets anxiety. Marjorie Garber points to an abundance of phallocentric imagery and language in the play, revealing Hamlets subconscious focus on his mothers apparent infidelity. All of these feminist interpretations, of course, are drawn from the male dialogue, for the text gives us no direct information about Gertrudes actual thoughts or feelings on these matters. In a sense, the queen is denied a voice in her own defense or representation. Likewise, the object Ophelia (the object of Hamlets desire) is also denied a voice. In the view of author Elaine Showalter, she is  portrayed in the play as an insignificant minor character created mainly as an instrument to better represent Hamlet.  Deprived of thought, sexuality, language, Ophelias story becomes the Story of Othe zero, the empty circle or mystery of feminine difference, the cipher of female sexuality to be deciphered by feminist interpretation. This depiction is reminiscent of many of the women in Shakespearean drama and comedy. Perhaps it begs for the efforts of interpretation that, by Showalters account, so many have tried to make of Ophelias character. An eloquent and scholarly interpretation of many of Shakespeares women would surely be welcome. A Possible Resolution Showalters insight about the representation of men and women in Hamlet, though it may be viewed as a complaint, is actually something of a resolution between the critics and defenders of the canon. What she has  done, through a close reading of a character that is now famous, is focus the attention of both groups on a piece of common ground. Showalters analysis is part of a concerted effort, in Cantars words, to  alter cultural perceptions of gender, those represented in the canon of great literary works. Surely a scholar like Bloom recognizes that there is a  study the institutional practices and social arrangements that have both invented and sustained the literary canon. He could concede this without giving an inch in his defense of aestheticismthat is, literary quality. The most prominent feminist critics (including Showalter and Garber) already recognize the canons aesthetic greatness, regardless of the male dominance of the past. Meanwhile, one may suggest for the future that the New Feminist movement continue searching out worthy female writers and promoting their works on aesthetic grounds, adding them to the Western canon as they deserve. There is surely an extreme imbalance between the male and female voices represented in the Western canon. The sorry gender discrepancies in Hamlet are an unfortunate example of this. This imbalance must be remedied by women writers themselves, for they can most accurately represent their own views. But, to adapt two quotes by ​Margaret Atwood, the proper path in accomplishing this is for women to become better [writers] in order to add social validity to their views; and female critics have to be willing to give writing by men the same kind of serious attention they themselves want from men for womens writing. In the end, this is the finest way to restore the balance and allow all of us to truly appreciate the literary voices of humankind. Sources Atwood, Margaret.  Second Words: Selected Critical Prose. House of Anansi Press. Toronto. 1982.Bloom, Harold. An Elegy for the Canon.  Book of Readings, 264-273. English 251B. Distance Education.  University of Waterloo. 2002.Bloom, Harold.  The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. Riverhead Books. The Berkley Publishing Group. New York. 1994.Cantar, Brenda. Lecture 21. English 251B. University of Waterloo, 2002.Kolodny, Annette. Dancing Through the Minefield.  Book of Readings, 347-370. English 251B. Distance Education. University of Waterloo, 2002.Shakespeare, William.  Hamlet. Bedford/St. Martins Edition. Susanne L. Wofford. Editor. Boston/New York: Bedford Books. 1994.Showalter, Elaine.  Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism. Macmillan, 1994.Wofford, Susanne.  William Shakespeare, Hamlet. Bedford Books of St. Martins Press, 1994.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Che Guevara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Annotated Bibliography Che Guevara - Essay Example The writing also points to the waves of radicalizations, taking place after the most influential events. Abstract: The paper is a piece of creative art rather than a genuinely scientific work, but it still describes and discusses several aspects of the politician's political and social growth. The authors outline two main factors which contributed to Guevara's interest in Marxism: first of all, he traveled across Cuba for a long time and literally in every village found the proofs of Marxist anticipations. Secondly, Che had several influential persons in his life, three of whom were his close siblings. Both factors are presented as outlook-shaping. Abstract: The article is designed to discuss Che Guevara's inborn internationalism and inclination to revolutionary thought. The author holds that the main determinant of correspondence between Guevara's standpoint and Engels and Marx's teachings was his cultural background, as the entire Cuban nation had been creating a political philosophy now known as Guevarism for centuries, so Guevara simply became a representative of common notions about ideal social and political order. Furthermore, Lowy draw a hypothesis that Guevara's writing are themselves a logical completion of Marx's politeconomical ideas, adopted to national peculiarities and thus perceived generally in cultural context. 4) BEC. The Development, Maturation and Influences on the Guevara's Ideology. Retrieved October, 25, 2005. Available at: Abstract: the paper was intended as reflections upon ideological timeline of Guevara's philosophical writings, viewed as the direct response to Marxism. This political study was spreading in a conductive atmosphere of national cognitive dissonance and radical discontent with existing power. The author prioritizes psychological reasons for Guevara's acceptation of Marxism, as the main remedy against Cuban declination. Another reason for the impact of radical study on Guevara's thought was the fertile ground for further considerations, provided by the political economist. Nevertheless, the author refutes the notion that Che Guevara was a genuine Communist and in his paper evidently defines the revolutionary's political course and orientations. 5) Saunonis, T. Che Guevara - Symbole of Struggle. Four, Guerillaism and Marxism. Retrieved: October, 26, 2006. Available at: Abstract: The article demonstrates family roots of Guevara's positive response to Marxism, as Che was grown as a hero, a social marginal, as his whole family and the representatives of his social class were strong and bold enough to ignore the rigid bureaucracy of existing state regime. Furthermore, the article matches the success of the Russian Revolution and Guevara's plans for reordering Cuba. As the politician

Friday, October 18, 2019

ENaC and Hypertension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ENaC and Hypertension - Essay Example However, for individuals past the age of 45, the incidences of hypertension rise and affect more women than men [1]. In the U.S. 25% of Americans suffer from hypertension. High blood pressure varies amongst ethnic groups where African Americans have the highest risk for hypertension among Americans. Forty percent of African Americans have hypertension and it is more likely to be manifested at an earlier age than Caucasians. Hypertension is the primary cause of 25% of deaths in America today. Additionally, 47% of individuals with hypertension have blood pressure that is not under control. Most of hypertensives are resistant to common medications. They have to take more than one medication to render their blood pressure stable[3]. The pathogenesis of hypertension remains unknown. Blood pressure must be regulated to prevent damaging of vital organs. From this point, studying the molecular basis and human protein level of this disease is needed for early detection and for distinguish ing markers and designing targeting therapy. The kidneys play a major role in hypertension mainly in the maintenance of sodium balance within the body. They also maintain the balance of the volume of extracellular fluid that leads to the long term control of blood pressure. Therefore, any imbalance in sodium entry expands the blood volume leading to hormonal and vascular change in the kidneys and increasing blood pressure [2]. In relation to the various mechanisms involved in hypertension’s inheritance, two major categories exist. These are Mendelian hypertension and essential hypertension. The Mendelian form of hypertension occurs because of a single or small number of genes which are defective. These can also be either dominant or recessive [4]. In contrast, essential hypertension, which is a heterogeneous disorder of hypertension, is more complex and does not follow the kind of inheritance

Role of Central Banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Role of Central Banks - Essay Example Low inflation is not an end in itself. It is however an important factor in helping to encourage long-term stability in the economy. Price stability is a precondition for achieving a wider economic goal of sustainable growth and employment. High inflation can be damaging to the functioning of the economy. Low inflation can help to foster sustainable long-term economic growth 2. The central bank ensures that the money supply in the economy is exogenous and determines the monetary base accordingly for the actual values of the currency and reserve ratios etc. using the appropriate money supply formula. 3. The money supply is endogenous to the economy but is determined by the central bank according to a money supply rule, and the monetary base is changed to achieve the money supply determined according to this rule. The last assumption given above is the most commonly used operational technique, even where the central bank's intention is to focus on the monetary base or the money supply as the main determinant of aggregate demand. Under this procedure, the central bank sets the discount rate to achieve a certain level of aggregate demand in the economy and lets the financial sector determine the monetary base through borrowing or discounting bonds with it. ... rational technique, even where the central bank's intention is to focus on the monetary base or the money supply as the main determinant of aggregate demand. Under this procedure, the central bank sets the discount rate to achieve a certain level of aggregate demand in the economy and lets the financial sector determine the monetary base through borrowing or discounting bonds with it. In any case, the central bank's behaviour is captured through the specification of the monetary base, no matter which of the above procedures is used. The measures that are taken by a central bank typically involve altering the interest rate in order to control the rate of growth of aggregate demand, the money supply and ultimately price inflation. It also involves changing the exchange rates as fluctuations in the value of currency also have an impact on macroeconomic activity. All in all, these measures come under the banner of monetary policy of a country. The key result is that monetary policy governed by society's preferences produces an inefficient outcome featuring an undesired, high level of price instability. Society can improve on this suboptimal outcome in a number of ways. One way to achieve price stability without distorting the stabilization of shocks is to set new incentives for the central bank by picking a progressive central bank which cares a lot about income, making it independent of the government, and adding an inflation target to its environment.1 Monetary Policy Many economists believe that monetary policy is a more powerful tool than fiscal policy in controlling inflation. The circular flow of income and spending is kept in motion through changes in short term interest rates that in turn affect the spending and savings patterns of households and businesses

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What challenges face the newspaper industry with the emergence of the Research Paper

What challenges face the newspaper industry with the emergence of the internet and can they survive and adapt to still be viable - Research Paper Example The most potential challenge that the newspaper industry is dealing with in the present age and would continue to deal with for a long time in the future is the emergence of the Internet. The features and qualities of the Internet outdo the newspapers in various ways. This has imparted the need for the newspaper industry to engage in measures for sustenance in these challenging times. The different ways in which people can receive news People use a variety of ways to receive news in the present age. A report published by the Pew Research Center suggests that for the most part, differences in the consumption of local news that emerged from the collected data shows the different demographic compositions of a variety of types of community in the US (Miller). Means of receiving information include but are not limited to newspapers, television, radio, and the Internet. Each of these mediums has a range of alternative services running simultaneously to keep the audiences updated. For examp le, there are different companies publishing newspapers on daily basis in different languages to cater for the multilingual needs of the increasingly multicultural society. Likewise, there are different television channels that collect news on daily basis, make documentaries, and offer news at specific times throughout the day. Radio has different channels like television. The Internet is the most vibrant source of information. According to a study based on the ways of consumption of news by Americans carried out by Pew Internet, about 75 per cent of the people that discover news online have it forwarded to them either through the posts on the social networking websites or the e-mail and almost 52 per cent of this population uses the very means to forward the received information to others (Schroeder). People also receive news is through gossip with one another. This gossip may be face to face, over the telephone, or over an online service like Skype or chat. Commencement of the dec line in newspaper readership The decline in the readership of newspapers started with the introduction of radio and television in the society in general and with the advent of the Internet in particular. Many newspaper making companies have closed over the passage of time. â€Å"The Rocky Mountain News closes, the Miami Herald sheds 200 jobs, the Globe & Mail offers severance packages, the Washington Post downsizes its business section, and on it goes† (Evans). Newspapers are the oldest source of information among all contemporary sources of information. Newspapers are almost as old as the manufacturing of paper is. For a long time in the history, people had no source of information but newspapers. Therefore, readership of the newspapers was tremendous. This trend changed with the creation of radio. Among the main functions served by radio was delivering news. Service of the radio was almost similar to that of the television except for the fact that audiences could not see an ything in radio while television provided them with the facility of observing moving image. As radios and televisions became common, readership of the newspapers started to decline. However, an even stronger threat to the readership of the newspapers surfaced in the form of the Internet. Over the passage of time, use of the Internet has become so tremendous and commonplace that people hardly find time for radio and television services, and the Internet has become the most fundamental source of information in the contemporary age. Steps taken by the newspapers to ensure their future